The Beauty Of The Unknown

Dear readers, 
       Hi there! My name is Rachel and I'm 22 years old. I'm at the age where I'm not so sure what to do with myself. 22 years old, college dropout, and just recently lost my job, life couldn't get any better! JK. I barely have savings and I'm about to go out of the country for a month. They say that the journey is truly what matters in life but in my generation, the generation of the millennial's, I look around and see people my age succeeding in ways that look so easy but in reality it's much more difficult than it seems. Everything today is instant. We were born into a generation that if we want something we can get it by a tap on our phones. It's like a parent that spoils their child, it's not the child's fault that they were raised the way they were raised, but when the kid is old enough to understand, it's their responsibility to work on themselves to be better. We might have it a bit harder growing up in a generation where so many people seem to have it all. We have too many options that it's as if we have no options at all and it's our responsibility as the boss of our own life to take charge and do what's best for our future. But the future starts now, in this moment. Not thinking how can I make money fast so I can go on vacation, you must ask yourself what can I do that'll make me happy and fulfilled to wake up excited everyday. I titled this post "The Beauty Of The Unknown", because I realized after searching and searching for answers, the answer is really simple, we must live every moment to the fullest and be present, even if it means not planning every single thing, or overthinking every thought. We must be grateful for what we have and not look at our surroundings. God gives us what we need, and the tools we're given to live our best life is in our hands, and the less I search, the more I realize how simple it really is. So join me on this chapter of figuring out life by making mistakes, embracing my flaws, and loving myself as I go. It's not the destination that we care about, it's the journey towards it! I might fuck up plenty of times along the way, and it won't be so easy but I'm hopeful and am in charge of the life I want to live, and I choose to live my best life. It all starts now! Till next time...  The Fearless Girl <3
